Why Aussie Mates Directory?

Aussie Mates Directory is for Business and Non-profits
who say no to a cashless society with CBDC’s.

Aussie Mates has been in the concept stage this past year. The idea has been to promote businesses and non-profits who didn’t follow the government’s agenda of the past few years. We have been watching to see what space Aussie Mates should fill. Thankfully we now know what direction we are to go.

Directory of Awake Businesses
and Non-Profits.

  • It is for those who are awake to the cashless and digital ID agenda governments are pushing.
  • It is for those who want to keep cash alive.
  • It is for those who are involved in Community exchange systems, and Gift economies.
  • It is for those trading in decentralised blockchain space as opposed to the CBDC.
  • It is for those who want to operate in a parallel economy.
To get started, we are promoting the

“Dob-in-an-Awake-Mate” campaign.

Just dob in an Awake Business or Non-profit, and promote them with a listing in the
Aussie Mates Directory. We can then invite them to CLAIM their listing (for an optional donation to cover costs).

This would help to get Aussie Mates off the ground, while supporting those who deserve it.

Essential Criteria: Accepts cash and/or alternate payments (Crypto, Barter, etc.), and rejects the Digital ID and Cashless Agenda.

Mission Statement for Aussie Mates 

To provide an online platform for Aussies
who want to stay free and protect their privacy,
with a focus on mutual Aussie Mateship,
building a parallel economy, and
saying NO to Digital IDs and CBDCs.

Proposed Plan of Action

Building the directory site which will include the following:
  • Business Directory: Directory of Awake Businesses
  • Non-Profit Directory: Directory of Freedom Organisations
  • Classified Ads – for goods and services.